Joshua is a DPhil candidate in the Department of Engineering Science supervised by Prof. Antoine Jérusalem and Prof. Sonia Antoranz Contera in the Department of Physics. Joshua graduated from University College London (UCL) in 2023 obtaining a First-Class Honours degree in Theoretical Physics (MSci). For his master’s project, Joshua worked in the Hoogenboom Lab at the London Centre for Nanotechnology, focusing on simulating the mechanics and indentation of biological surfaces in AFM imaging. He later submitted this research for publication in the RSC Soft Matter Journal. Joshua’s research interests focus on theoretical physics and computational techniques applied to biological/soft matter; specifically, research into the role of mechanics, morphology, and dynamics in biological systems and emergent phenomena in biology.
His current work centres on developing a variational model of the non-equilibrium thermodynamics of neuronal membranes. He aims to produce a multiscale computational model of neuronal and brain mechanics, exploring the coupling of mechanical, electrophysiological, and biochemical properties of neurons. Joshua has previously worked on several research project, including several UCL studentships with Prof. Bart Hoogenboom, Prof. Jon Butterworth, and Prof. David Bowler, alongside, a project in the Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford with Derek Moulton and Alain Goriely modelling mollusc shell growth and morphology. Viewable here.
Research Interests
- Computational biophysics
- Membrane, neuron, and brain mechanics
- Multiscale and multiphysics modelling
- Finite Elements Modelling
- Neuromodulation