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Xiaosheng "Shaun" Chen BEng MSc PhD

Research Associate

TEL: 01865 273156
COLLEGE: Mansfield College


Dr Xiaosheng Chen is currently a research associate in the Wind and Tidal Energy research group at University of Oxford as a CFD specialist. He graduated from the University of Science and Technology of China with BEng in Thermal Energy and Power Engineering in July 2012. He was then awarded an MSc degree with distinction in Advanced Mechanical Engineering in Oct 2013 by University of Sussex. Later, he obtained a PhD degree in aeronautical engineering in 2018 from the National Centre for Combustion and Aerothermal Technology (former Rolls-Royce University Technology Centre) based at Loughborough University.

Following the graduation, he started a secondment job in the Combustion Aerothermal Methods Team of Rolls-Royce plc., helping them to design the next generation lean-burn jet engine combustor. In July 2019, he joined the University of Oxford as a research assistant, working with Prof. Richard Willden and Dr. Christopher Vogel in wind and tidal energy.

Awards & Prizes

  • Best poster award: 2nd Place, Early Career Researcher Network, Supergen ORE Hub Autumn Assembly, 29 September 2022.

  • Annal Hall (My 4YP student) won the Best Civil Engineering Poster in the University of Oxford - Department of Engineering Science 4th Year Project Poster Competition 2022

Research Interests

Dr. Xiaosheng Chen is an expert in fluid mechanics and heat transfer. His focus is on high fidelity CFD modelling techniques and their applications to help solving engineering problems, especially turbomachinery applications like jet engines, wind and tidal turbines.

His current research interest lies in renewable energy devices, including but not limited to tidal stream turbines, on-shore and off-shore wind turbines. He is also an expert in developing and utilising CFD software packages, especially for RANS, LES and hybrid LES methods.


Current Projects

  • Supergen ORE Hub: Providing research leadership to connect academia, industry, policy and public stakeholders, inspire innovation and maximise societal value in offshore wind, wave and tidal energy.
  • CoTide: Co-design to deliver Scalable Tidal Stream Energy with new design concepts and optimisation methods.
  • Tidal Turbine Benchmark Project: The first benchmark project in the tidal energy community for improving the modelling techniques, quantifying and understanding modelling errors, as well as improving accuracy and confidence of the prediction.
  • WaveTide – An ECR project for developing high fidelity tidal turbine modelling method that lively reacting to incoming waves.


Journal papers
1. X. Chen, H. Edwards, C. Vogel, R.H.J. Willden, Numerical study of a benchmarking tidal turbine under comparable experimental conditions. Submitted to Ocean Engineering, 2023.
2. R.H.J. Willden, X. Chen, S.W. Tucker Harvey, etc., Tidal turbine benchmarking project: Stage I steady flow blind predictions. Submitted to Renewable Energy, 2023.
3. S.W. Tucker Harvey, X. Chen, K. Bhavsar, T. Allsop, J. Gilbert, T. Stallard, C.R. Vogel and R.H.J. Willden, The design, development and testing of a tidal benchmarking turbine. Submitted to Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Flow, 2023.
4. M. Zormpa, F. Zilic de Arcos, X. Chen, C. Vogel and R.H.J Willden, Robustness of flow-sampling methods for actuator line models. Submitted to Wind Energy, 2023.
5. X. Chen, J. Krawciw, P. Denman, H. Xia, C. Bonham and J. Carrotte, Study of an effusion-cooled plate with high level of upstream fluctuation. Appl. Therm. Eng., 2020.
6. X. Chen and H. Xia, Flow and surface heat transfer analysis of a square cylinder in turbulent cross-flow. Numer. Heat Transfer, 2019.
7. X. Chen and H. Xia, Hybrid LES-RANS study of an effusion cooling array with circular holes. Int. J. Heat Fluid Flow, 2019.
8. X. Chen and H. Xia, A hybrid LES-RANS study on square cylinder unsteady heat transfer. Int. J. Heat Mass Transf., 108, pp. 1237-1254, 2017.

Conference papers
9. R.H.J. Willden, X. Chen, S.W. Tucker Harvey, etc., Tidal turbine benchmarking project: Stage I – steady flow blind predictions, In Proceedings of the 12th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, 3-7th Sept 2023, Bilbao, Spain.
10. S.W. Tucker Harvey, X. Chen, D. Rowe, etc., Tidal turbine benchmarking project: Stage I – steady flow experiments, In Proceedings of the 12th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, 3-7th Sept 2023, Bilbao, Spain.
11. H. Edwards, X. Chen, C. Vogel and R.H.J. Willden, Modelling the effects of boundary proximity on a tidal stream turbine using the actuator line method, In Proceedings of the 12th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, 3-7th Sept 2023, Bilbao, Spain.
12. M. Zormpa, F. Zilic de Arcos, X. Chen, C.R. Vogel, R.H.J. Willden, Sensitivity of Wind Turbine Aerodynamics to Actuator Line Model Parameters, In. Wind Energy Science Conference 2023, 23-26 May 2023, Glasgow, UK.
13. S.W. Tucker Harvey, X. Chen, R. Willden, etc., Unsteady Tidal Turbine Benchmarking Study, In: Supergen ORE Hub Autumn Early Career Researchers Forum, 28-29th Sept. 2022, Oxford, UK.
14. X. Chen, S.W. Tucker Harvey, R. Willden, etc., Tidal Turbine Benchmarking Project, In. 17th OpenFOAM Workshop, 11-14th July 2022, Cambridge, UK.
15. X. Chen, M. Zormpa, C.R. Vogel, R.H.J. Willden, An LES-AL Study of the DTU 10MW Reference Wind Turbine, In: Supergen ORE Hub Early Career Researchers Forum, 18-19th January 2022, Online.
16. S.W. Tucker Harvey, X. Chen, D. Rowe, K. Bhavsar, T. Allsop, J. Gilbert, T. Stallard, C.R. Vogel and R.H.J. Willden, Tidal Turbine Benchmarking Exercise: Geometry Specification and Environmental Characterisation, In: Proceedings of the 11th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference, 5-9th Sept. 2021, Plymouth, UK.
17. X. Chen, C.R. Vogel, R.H.J. Willden, Multi-scale Offshore Wind Farm Modelling, In: Supergen ORE Hub Early Career Researchers Forum, 5-6th Nov. 2019, Glasgow, UK.
18. M.A. Moratilla-Vega, H. Xia, M. Angelino, S. Chen, G.J. Page, Inflow turbulence impact on sound sources of subsonic turbulent jets. In: 11th International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, TSFP 2019.
19. X. Chen and H. Xia, A hybrid LES-RANS validation of effusion cooling array measurements under representative combustor conditions. In: The International Symposium on Airbreathing Engines 2017, Manchester, UK, 2017.
20. X. Chen, C. D. Ellis and H. Xia, Unsteady heat and mass transfer of a blunt leading edge using hybrid LES-RANS, In: 15th UK Heat Transfer Conference, Brunel University London, 2017.
21. X. Chen, M. Angelino, H. Xia and G. J. Page, Effects of free-stream and near-wall turbulence on jet shear layer. In: 29th International Conference on Parallel Computational Fluid Dynamics, Glasgow, UK, 2017.
22. X. Chen and H. Xia, Near-wall modelling and free-stream turbulence effects on square cylinder unsteady heat transfer, In: 8th International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2015.

Google Scholar

The Effect of Flow Sampling on the Robustness of the Actuator Line Method

Zormpa M, Zilic de Arcos F, Chen X, Vogel CR & Willden RHJ (2024), Wind Energy, 28(1)

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BibTeX View PDF
  title={The Effect of Flow Sampling on the Robustness of the Actuator Line Method},
  author={Zormpa M, Zilic de Arcos F, Chen X, Vogel CR & Willden RHJ},
  journal={Wind Energy},
  year = "2024"

Tidal turbine benchmarking project: stage I – steady flow experiments

Tucker Harvey S, Chen X, Rowe D, McNaughton J, Vogel C et al. (2023), Proceedings of the 15th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC 2023), 15(3)

Altmetric score is
BibTeX View PDF
  title={Tidal turbine benchmarking project: stage I – steady flow experiments},
  author={Tucker Harvey S, Chen X, Rowe D, McNaughton J, Vogel C et al.},
  booktitle={15th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC 2023)},
  year = "2023"

Tidal turbine benchmarking project: stage I - steady flow blind predictions

Willden R, Chen X, Tucker Harvey SW, Edwards H, Vogel C et al. (2023), Proceedings of the 15th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC 2023), 15(3)

Altmetric score is
BibTeX View PDF
  title={Tidal turbine benchmarking project: stage I - steady flow blind predictions},
  author={Willden R, Chen X, Tucker Harvey SW, Edwards H, Vogel C et al.},
  booktitle={15th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC 2023)},
  year = "2023"

Tidal Benchmarking Project Dataset - Stage I Steady Flow Experiments: Exp_001

Chen X, Tucker Harvey S, McNaughton J, Rowe D, Vogel C et al. (2023)

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  title={Tidal Benchmarking Project Dataset - Stage I Steady Flow Experiments: Exp_001},
  author={Chen X, Tucker Harvey S, McNaughton J, Rowe D, Vogel C et al.},
  year = "2023"

Tidal Benchmarking Project Dataset: R001_2

Harvey S, Chen X, Bhavsar K, Allsop T, Benson I et al. (2022)

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  title={Tidal Benchmarking Project Dataset: R001_2},
  author={Harvey S, Chen X, Bhavsar K, Allsop T, Benson I et al.},
  year = "2022"

Tidal Benchmarking Project Dataset: R001

Harvey S, Chen X, Bhavsar K, Allsop T, Benson I et al. (2022)

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  title={Tidal Benchmarking Project Dataset: R001},
  author={Harvey S, Chen X, Bhavsar K, Allsop T, Benson I et al.},
  year = "2022"

Study of an effusion-cooled plate with high level of upstream fluctuation

Chen X, Krawciw J, Xia H, Denman PA, Bonham C et al. (2021), Applied Thermal Engineering, 184, 116126

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  title={Study of an effusion-cooled plate with high level of upstream fluctuation},
  author={Chen X, Krawciw J, Xia H, Denman PA, Bonham C et al.},
  journal={Applied Thermal Engineering},
  year = "2021"

Flow and surface heat transfer analysis of a square cylinder in turbulent cross-flow

Chen X & Xia H (2019), Numerical Heat Transfer Part A Applications, 75(12), 795-823

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  title={Flow and surface heat transfer analysis of a square cylinder in turbulent cross-flow},
  author={Chen X & Xia H},
  journal={Numerical Heat Transfer Part A Applications},
  publisher={Taylor & Francis},
  year = "2019"

Hybrid LES-RANS study of an effusion cooling array with circular holes

Chen X & Xia H (2019), International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 77, 171-185

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  title={Hybrid LES-RANS study of an effusion cooling array with circular holes},
  author={Chen X & Xia H},
  journal={International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow},
  year = "2019"

A hybrid LES-RANS study on square cylinder unsteady heat transfer

Chen X & Xia H (2017), International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 108, 1237-1254

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BibTeX View PDF
  title={A hybrid LES-RANS study on square cylinder unsteady heat transfer},
  author={Chen X & Xia H},
  journal={International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer},
  year = "2017"