Prof Noa Zilberman publications
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List of publications
My ORCID is 0000-0002-3655-2873
- Peng Qian, Changgang Zheng, Noa Zilberman. "Edge acceleration of LiDAR frame transmission with in-network machine learning", ACM EdgeSys, March 2025. (pdf)(official).
- Changgang Zheng, Mingyuan Zang, Xinpeng Hong, Liam Perreault, Riad Bensoussane, Shay Vargaftik, Yaniv Ben-Itzhak, and Noa Zilberman. "Planter: rapid prototyping of in-network machine learning inference", ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Reviews, January 2024. (pdf)(official).
Best of CCR at SIGCOMM 2024. - Lennart Heim, Tim Fist, Janet Egan, Sihao Huang, Stephen Zekany, Robert Trager, Michael A Osborne, and Noa Zilberman. "Governing Through the Cloud: The Intermediary Role of Compute Providers in AI Regulation", arXiv preprint arXiv:2403.08501, March 2024. (pdf)(arXiv).
- Changgang Zheng, Zhaoqi Xiong, Thanh T. Bui, Siim Kaupmees, Riyad Bensoussane, Antoine Bernabeu, Shay Vargaftik, Yaniv Ben-Itzhak, and Noa Zilberman. "IIsy: Hybrid In-Network Classification Using Programmable Switches". IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking 2024 (pdf)(official).
- Masoud Hemmatpour, Changgang Zheng and Noa Zilberman. "E-Commerce Bot Traffic: In-Network Impact, Detection, and Mitigation". ICIN 2024 (pdf)(official).
- Damu Ding, Ozlem Kesgin and Noa Zilberman. "INDDoS+: Secure DDoS Detection Mechanism in Programmable Switches". IEEE HPSR 2024 (pdf)(official).
- Hongyi Chen, Noa Zilberman. "Hardware-Accelerated Intelligent Roadside Unit". Extended abstract, MobiUK 2024 (pdf)(official).
- Masoud Hemmatpour, Changgang Zheng, Noa Zilberman, Phuong Hoai Ha. "GridWatch: A Smart Network for Smart Grid". IEEE SmartGridComm 2024 (pdf)(official).
- Mingyuan Zang, Changgang Zheng, Tomasz Koziak, Noa Zilberman, Lars Dittmann. "Federated In-Network Machine Learning for Privacy-Preserving IoT Traffic Analysis", ACM Transactions on Internet Technology, 2024 (pdf)(official).
- Changgang Zheng, Xinpeng Hong, Damu Ding, Shay Vargaftik, Yaniv Ben-Itzhak and Noa Zilberman. "In-Network Machine Learning Using Programmable Network Devices: A Survey". IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, 2023 (pdf)(official).
- Noa Zilberman, Eve M. Schooler, Uri Cummings, Rajit Manohar, Dawn Nafus, Robert Soulé, and Rick Taylor. "Toward Carbon-Aware Networking". ACM SIGEnergy Energy Informatics Review, Volume 3 Issue 3, November 2023 (pdf)(official).
- Changgang Zheng, Haoyue Tang, Mingyuan Zang, Xinpeng Hong, Aosong Feng, Leandros Tassiulas, and Noa Zilberman. "DINC: toward distributed in-network computing", ACM CoNEXT and Proceedings of the ACM on Networking (PACMNET), December 2023 (pdf)(official)(artifact).
- Sawsan El Zahr, Paul Gunning and Noa Zilberman. "Exploring the Benefits of Carbon-Aware Routing". ACM CoNEXT and Proceedings of the ACM on Networking (PACMNET), December 2023 (pdf)(official)(artifact). IRTF Applied Networking Research Prize and STEM for Britain 2024 Dyson Sustainability Award.
- Zang, Mingyuan, Changgang Zheng, Lars Dittmann, and Noa Zilberman. "Towards Continuous Threat Defense: In-Network Traffic Analysis for IoT Gateways." IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 2023 (pdf)(official)(artifact).
- Changgang Zheng, Benjamin Rienecker and Noa Zilberman. "QCMP: Load Balancing via In-Network Reinforcement Learning", ACM SIGCOMM FIRA workshop, September 2023 (pdf)(official).
- Xinpeng Hong, Changgang Zheng, Stefan Zohren, and Noa Zilberman. "LOBIN: In-Network Machine Learning for Limit Order Books". IEEE HPSR, June 2023 (pdf)(official).
- Mingyuan Zang, Changgang Zheng, Tomasz Koziak, Noa Zilberman, and Lars Dittmann. "Federated Learning-Based In-Network Traffic Analysis on IoT Edge". IFIP Networking 2023 Sec4IoT Workshop, June 2023 (pdf)(official).
- Pietro Bressana, Noa Zilberman, and Robert Soulé. "PTA: Finding Hard-to-Find Data Plane Bugs." IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2022 (pdf)(official).
- Eve M Schooler, Rick Taylor, Noa Zilberman, Robert Soulé, Dawn Nafus, Rajit Manohar, Uri Cummings. "A Perspective on Carbon-aware Networking". IAB Workshop on Environmental Impact of Internet Applications and Services, 2022. (pdf) (official)
- Noa Zilberman. "hXDP: light and efficient packet processing offload: technical perspective". Communications of the ACM 65 (8), July 2022. (official).
- Noa Zilberman, Eve M. Schooler, Uri Cummings, Rajit Manohar, Dawn Nafus, Robert Soulé, and Rick Taylor. "Toward Carbon-Aware Networking". HotCarbon'22, July 2022 (pdf)(official)(video).
- Changgang Zheng, Mingyuan Zang, Xinpeng Hong, Riyad Bensoussane, Shay Vargaftik, Yaniv Ben-Itzhak, and Noa Zilberman. "Automating In-Network Machine Learning". arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.08824, May 2022. (pdf)(arXiv)
- Changgang Zheng, Zhaoqi Xiong, Thanh T. Bui, Siim Kaupmees, Riyad Bensoussane, Antoine Bernabeu, Shay Vargaftik, Yaniv Ben-Itzhak, and Noa Zilberman. "IIsy: Practical In-Network Classification." arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.08243, May 2022. (pdf)(arXiv)
- Shahar Avin, Haydn Belfield, Miles Brundage, Gretchen Krueger, Jasmine Wang, Adrian Weller, Markus Anderljung, Igor Krawczuk, David Krueger, Jonathan Lebensold, Tegan Maharaj and Noa Zilberman. "Filling gaps in trustworthy development of AI". Science 374, no. 6573 (2021): 1327-1329, December 2021. (arXiv)(official).
- Radostin Stoyanov, Adam Wolnikowski, Robert Soule, Sandor Laki, and Noa Zilberman. "Building an Internet Router with P4Pi". 4th P4 Workshop in Europe (EuroP4), December 2021 (webpage)(pdf).
- Sandor Laki, Radostin Stoyanov, David Kis, Robert Soule, Peter Voros, and Noa Zilberman. "P4Pi: P4 On Raspberry Pi for Networking Education." ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review, July 2021 (webpage)(pdf).
- Noa Zilberman, Andrew W Moore, Billy Cooper, Jackson Woodruff, Yuta Tokusashi, Pietro Bressana, Murali Ramanujam, Diana Andreea Popescu, and Salvator Galea. "NRG: A Network Perspective on Applications' Performance", IFIP TMA Conference, September 2021 (webpage)(pdf)(official).
- Pietro Bressana, Noa Zilberman, Robert Soulé, "Finding hard-to-find data plane bugs with a PTA", ACM CoNEXT, 2020. (pdf)(official)(artifact)(video)
- Radostin Stoyanov and Noa Zilberman, "MTPSA: Multi-Tenant Programmable Switches", The 3rd P4 Workshop in Europe (EuroP4), 2020. (pdf)(official)(artifact)(video)
- Pietro Bressana, Noa Zilberman, Dejan Vucinic, Robert Soulé, "Trading Latency for Compute in the Network", ACM SIGCOMM 2020 Workshop on Network Application Integration/CoDesign, 2020. (pdf)(official)
- Noa Zilberman, "An artifact evaluation of NDP", ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 50 (2), 32-36, 2020. (pdf)(official)(dataset)
- Noa Zilberman, Andrew W Moore, "Thoughts about Artifact Badging",ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review 50 (2), 60-63, 2020. (pdf)(official).
- Huynh Tu Dang, Pietro Bressana, Han Wang, Ki Suh Lee, Noa Zilberman, Hakim Weatherspoon, Marco Canini, Fernando Pedone, Robert Soulé, "P4xos: Consensus as a network service", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 2020. (pdf)(official).
- Miles Brundage, Shahar Avin, Jasmine Wang, Haydn Belfield, Gretchen Krueger, Gillian Hadfield, Heidy Khlaaf, Jingying Yang, Helen Toner, Ruth Fong, Tegan Maharaj, Pang Wei Koh, Sara Hooker, Jade Leung, Andrew Trask, Emma Bluemke, Jonathan Lebensold, Cullen O'Keefe, Mark Koren, Théo Ryffel, JB Rubinovitz, Tamay Besiroglu, Federica Carugati, Jack Clark, Peter Eckersley, Sarah de Haas, Maritza Johnson, Ben Laurie, Alex Ingerman, Igor Krawczuk, Amanda Askell, Rosario Cammarota, Andrew Lohn, David Krueger, Charlotte Stix, Peter Henderson, Logan Graham, Carina Prunkl, Bianca Martin, Elizabeth Seger, Noa Zilberman, Seán Ó hÉigeartaigh, Frens Kroeger, Girish Sastry, Rebecca Kagan, Adrian Weller, Brian Tse, Elizabeth Barnes, Allan Dafoe, Paul Scharre, Ariel Herbert-Voss, Martijn Rasser, Shagun Sodhani, Carrick Flynn, Thomas Krendl Gilbert, Lisa Dyer, Saif Khan, Yoshua Bengio, Markus Anderljung, "Toward Trustworthy AI Development: Mechanisms for Supporting Verifiable Claims", arXiv preprint arXiv:2004.07213, 2020. (official)
- Jackson Woodruff, Andrew W Moore and Noa Zilberman, "Measuring Burstiness in Data Center Applications", Workshop on Buffer Sizing, Stanford, USA, December 2019 (pdf) (official) (dataset).
- Zhaoqi Xiong and Noa Zilberman, "Do Switches Dream of Machine Learning?", ACM HotNets 2019, Princeton, USA, November 2019 (pdf) (official) (repository).
- Jackson Woodruff, Murali Ramanujam and Noa Zilberman, "P4DNS: In-Network DNS", EuroP4'2019, Cambridge, UK, September 2019 (pdf) (official) (repository).
- Noa Zilberman, Gabi Bracha and Golan Schzukin. “Stardust: Divide and conquer in the data center network”, USENIX NSDI 2019 (pdf) (official) (slides).
- Yuta Tokusashi, Huynh Tu Dang, Fernando Pedone, Robert Soulé and Noa Zilberman, “The Case For In Network Computing On Demand”, Eurosys 2019 (pdf) (official) (repository)
(website). - Stephen Ibanez, Gordon Brebner, Nick McKeown and Noa Zilberman, "The P4->NetFPGA Workflow for Line-Rate Packet Processing", FPGA'2019, California, USA, February 2019 (pdf) (official) .
- Huynh Tu Dang, Pietro Bressana, Han Wang, Ki Suh Lee, Noa Zilberman, Hakim Weatherspoon, Marco Canini, Fernando Pedone, and Robert Soulé, “Partitioned Paxos via the Network Data Plane”, CoRR abs/1901.08806, January 2019 (official).
- Noa Zilberman. “An Evaluation of NDP Performance”, Technical Report (pdf) (official).
- Yungang Bao, Lars Eggert, Simon Peter and Noa Zilberman. "Discipline Convergence in Networked Systems (Dagstuhl Seminar 18261)", Dagstuhl Reports, Volume 8, Issue 6, 2019 (official).
- Yuta Tokusashi, Hiroki Matsutani and Noa Zilberman, "LaKe: The Power of In-Network Computing", 2018 International Conference on ReConFigurable Computing and FPGAs (ReConFig), Cancun, Mexico, December 2018 (pdf) (official).
- Noa Zilberman, Łukasz Dudziak, Matthew Jadczak, Thomas Parks, Alessandro Rietmann, Vadim Safronov, Daniel Zuo, "Cut-through network switches: architecture, design and implementation", Tech Report, UCAM-CL-TR-928, 2018 (official).
- Omer Sella, Andrew W Moore, Noa Zilberman. "FEC Killed the Cut-Through Switch". SIGCOMM NEAT Workshop, Budapest Hungary, August 2018.(pdf) (official) (video).
- Huynh Tu Dang, Pietro Bressana, Han Wang, Ki Suh Lee, Hakim Weatherspoon, Marco Canini, Fernando Pedone, Noa Zilberman, Robert Soulé, "P4xos: Consensus as a Network Service", Tech Report, University of Lugano 2018/01, May 2018 (official).
- Yuta Tokusashi, Hiroki Matsutani and Noa Zilberman, "LaKe: An Energy Efficient, Low Latency, Accelerated Key-Value Store", CoRR abs/1805.11344, May 2018 (official).
- Noa Zilberman, "Revolutionising Computing Infrastructure For Citizen Empowerment", Data for Policy Conference, London UK, September 2017.(pdf) (official).
- Nik Sultana, Salvator Galea, David Greaves, Marcin Wojcik, Jonny Shipton, Richard Clegg, Luo Mai, Pietro Bressana, Robert Soule, Richard Mortier, Paolo Costa, Peter Pietzuch, Jon Crowcroft, Andrew W Moore, Noa Zilberman, “Emu: Rapid Prototyping of Networking Services”, Usenix Annual Technical Conference (ATC), July 2017 (pdf) (official).
- Diana Andreea Popescu, Noa Zilberman and Andrew W. Moore, "Characterizing the impact of network latency on cloud-based applications' performance", Tech Report, UCAM-CL-TR-914, 2017 (pdf) (official)
- Nik Sultana, Salvator Galea, David, Marcin Wojcik, Noa Zilberman, Richard Clegg, Luo Mai, Richard Mortier, Peter Pietzuch, Jon Crowcroft, Andrew W. Moore. “Extending programs with debug-related features, with application to hardware development”, Tech Report, 2017 (pdf) (official).
- Noa Zilberman, Matthew Grosvenor, Diana Popescu, Neelakandan Manihatty-Bojan, Gianni Antichi, Marcin Wojcik, Andrew Moore. "Where Has My Time Gone?". Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM) 2017, Sydney, Australia 2017 (pdf) (official) (dataset and reproduction environment)
- Noa Zilberman, Andrew W. Moore, Jon A. Crowcroft. "From Photons to Big Data Applications: Terminating Terabits", Royal Society Philosophical Transactions A, A vol.374, issue 2062, 2016. (official)
- Jong Hun Han, Noa Zilberman, Bjoern A. Zeeb, Andreas Fiessler and Andrew W. Moore. "Prototyping RISC Based, Reconfigurable Networking Applications in Open Source". Technical Report, CoRR abs/1612.05547, 2016 (pdf) (official)
- Noa Zilberman and Yuval Shavitt. "Setting the Foundations for PoP-Based Internet Evolution Models", Tech report, CoRR abs/1612.04096, 2016 (pdf) (official)
- Noa Zilberman,Philip M. Watts, Charalampos Rotsos, Andrew W. Moore. "Reconfigurable Network Systems and Software-DefinedNetworking", Proceedings of IEEE, vol.103, no. 7, July 2015 (pdf) (official)
- Noa Zilberman, Yury Audzevich, Adam Covington, Andrew W. Moore. "NetFPGA SUME: Toward 100Gbps as Research Commodity", IEEE Micro, vol.34, no.5, pp.32,41, September-October 2014 (pdf) (official)
- Gianni Antichi, Muhammad Shahbaz, Yilong Geng, Noa Zilberman, Adam Covington, Marc Bruyere, Nick McKeown, Nick Feamster, Bob Felderman, Michaela Blott, Andrew W. Moore, Philippe Owezarski. "OSNT: Open Source Network Tester", IEEE Network, IEEE Network, vol.28, no.5, pp.6,12, September-October 2014 (pdf)(official)
- Yuval Shavitt and Noa Zilberman. "Improving IP Geolocation by Crawling the Internet PoP Level Graph", IFIP Networking, New-York, USA, 2013 (pdf)
- Lior Neudorfer, Yuval Shavitt, Noa Zilberman. "Improving AS relationship inference Using PoP data", Traffic Monitoring and Analysis Workshop (TMA 2013), Torino, Italy, 2013 (pdf)
- Yuval Shavitt and Noa Zilberman. "Internet PoP Level Maps", Data Traffic Monitoring and Analysis, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, 7754: 82-103, 2013 (pdf)
- Yuval Shavitt and Noa Zilberman. "On Child Sex Abuse Presence in BitTorrent Networks", IEEE Internet Computing, 17(3):60-66, May-June 2013 (pdf)
- Roi Becker , Yifat Chernihov , Yuval Shavitt and Noa Zilberman. "An Analysis of The Steam Community Network", IEEE 27-th Convention of Electrical and Electronic Engineers in Israel, Eilat, Israel, 2012 (pdf)
- Yuval Shavitt and Noa Zilberman. "Arabian Nights - measuring the Arab Internet during the 2011 events", IEEE Network, vol.26, no.6, pp.75-80, November-December 2012 (pdf)
- Yuval Shavitt and Noa Zilberman. "The Internet Geographical PoP Level Maps", European Conference on Complex Systems (ECCS), Brussels, Belgium 2012 (pdf)
- Moshe Rutgaizer, Yuval Shavitt, Omer Vertman, and Noa Zilberman. "Detecting Pedophile Activity in Bittorent Networks", Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM) 2012, Vienna, Austria, 2012 (pdf)
- Dima Feldman, Yuval Shavitt and Noa Zilberman. "A Structural Approach for PoP Geo-Location", journal paper, Computer Networks special issue on "Complex Dynamic Networks: Tools and Methods", 56(3):1029-1040, 23rd February 2012 (pdf)
- Yuval Shavitt and Noa Zilberman. "A Study of Geolocation Databases", journal paper, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications, 29(9), December 2011 (pdf)
- Yuval Shavitt and Noa Zilberman. "A Structural Approach for PoP Geo-Location". Infocom Workshop on Network Science for Communications (NetSciCom), San Diego, USA, 2010 (pdf)
- Yuval Shavitt and Noa Zilberman. "A Study of Geolocation Databases", Tech report, CoRR abs/1005.5674, 2010
- Noam Koenigstein, Yuval Shavitt, and Noa Zilberman. Predicting Billboard Success Using Data-Mining in P2P Networks. AdMIRe, San Diego, CA, USA, 2009 (pdf)
- Noa Arad and Yuval Shavitt, "Minimizing Recovery State in Geographic Ad-Hoc Routing", IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 8(2): 203-217, 2009 (pdf)
- Noa Arad and Yuval Shavitt, ``Minimizing Recovery State in Geographic Ad-Hoc Routing'', The proceedings of the 7th ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MobiHoc06), Florence, Italy, 2006 (pdf)
- Noa Arad and Yuval Shavitt. "Minimizing Recovery State in Geographic Ad-Hoc Routing", Technical Report EES2005-6, Dept. of Electrical Engineering - Systems, Tel Aviv University, 2005
Extended Abstracts, Posters and Demonstrations Short Papers
- Mingyuan Zang, Changgang Zheng, Lars Dittmann and Noa Zilberman, "Advanced Threat Defense with In-Network Traffic Analysis for IoT Gateways". MobiUK, July 2023 (official).
- Xinpeng Hong, Changgang Zheng, Stefan Zohren, and Noa Zilberman. "Linnet: limit order books within switches". ACM SIGCOMM Posters and Demos, August 2022.(pdf)(official).
- Radostin Stoyanov, Wesley Armour, and Noa Zilberman. "Network-accelerated cluster scheduler". ACM SIGCOMM Posters and Demos, August 2022.(pdf)(official).
- Mingyuan Zang, Changgang Zheng, Radostin Stoyanov, Lars Dittmann, and Noa Zilberman. "P4Pir: in-network analysis for smart IoT gateways". ACM SIGCOMM Posters and Demos, August 2022.(pdf)(official).
- Changgang Zheng and Noa Zilberman, "Planter: Seeding Trees Within Switches" , ACM SIGCOMM, August 2021.(extended abstract, poster)(pdf)(official).
We thank contributions by Yaniv Ben-Itzhak and Shay Vargaftik (VMWare).
- Murali Ramanujam, Jackson Woodruff, Andrew W Moore and Noa Zilberman, "Reproducible Cloud Measurements", poster, Google Networking Research Summit, March 2019.
- Pietro Bressana, Noa Zilberman and Robert Soulé, “A Programmable Framework for Validating Data Planes”, poster, ACM SIGCOMM, Budapest, Hungary, August 2018 (pdf) (official).
- Omer Sella, Andrew W Moore, and Noa Zilberman, “High speed adaptive rack-scale fabrics”, poster, ACM SIGCOMM, Budapest, Hungary, August 2018 (pdf) (official).
- Murali Ramanujam and Noa Zilberman, “Towards a Highly Scalable Network Tester”, poster, IEEE/ACM ANCS, Ithaca, USA, July 2018 (pdf) (official).
- Diana Andreea Popescu, Noa Zilberman, and Andrew W. Moore,"Characterizing Network Latency Impact on Cloud Applications' Performance", ACM IMC, London, UK, November 2017.(poster)
- Christos Nikolaou, Noa Zilberman, and Andrew W. Moore,"Characterization of Network Tools for Traffic Generation and Traffic Capture", ACM IMC, London, UK, November 2017.(poster)
- Salvator Galea, Nik Sultana, Pietro Bressana, David Greaves, Robert Soulé, Andrew W Moore and Noa Zilberman, “EMU: Rapid FPGA Prototyping of Network Services in C#”, Demonstration paper, Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), Lausanne, Switzerland, March 2017 (pdf) (official)
- Neelakandan Manihatty Bojan, Noa Zilberman, and Andrew W. Moore . "HyNS: Simulating Hybrid Networks and Beyond", Eurosys, London, UK, April 2016.(extended abstract, poster) (pdf)
- Noa Zilberman, Yury Audzevich, Georgina Kalogeridou and Andrew W. Moore . "NetFPGA - Rapid Prototyping of High Bandwidth Devices in Open Source", FPL, London, UK, September 2015.(demo) (pdf)
- Noa Zilberman, Yury Audzevich, Georgina Kalogeridou, Neelakandan Manihatty Bojan and Andrew W. Moore . "NetFPGA - Rapid Prototyping of Networking Devices in Open Source", ACM SIGCOMM, London, UK, August 2015.(demo) (pdf)
- Neelakandan Manihatty Bojan, Noa Zilberman, Gianni Antichi and Andrew W. Moore . "Extreme data-rate scheduling for the Data Center", ACM SIGCOMM, London, UK, August 2015.(extended abstract, poster) (pdf)
- Jong Hun Han, Gianni Antichi, Noa Zilberman, Charalampos Rotsos and Andrew W. Moore . "An Integrated Environment for Open-Source Network Softwarization", IEEE conference on Network Softwarizarion (NetSoft), London UK, April 2015. (demo) (pdf)
- Noa Zilberman, Yury Audzevich, Georgina Kalogeridou and Andrew W. Moore . "Toward Commodity 100Gb/s", Design, Automation and Test in Europe (DATE), Grenoble, France, March 2015.(demo) (pdf)
- Muhammad Shahbaz, Gianni Antichi, Yilong Geng, Noa Zilberman, Adam Covington, Marc Bruyere, Nick Feamster, Nick McKeown, Bob Felderman, Michaela Blott, Andrew Moore and Philippe Owezarski. "Architecture for an open source network tester", ACM/IEEE symposium on Architectures for networking and communications systems (ANCS), San Jose, CA, USA, October 2013. (official)
PhD Thesis
- Noa Zilberman, The Internet PoP Level Graph, Tel Aviv University, 2013. (pdf)
To provide a reference to my work, please cite my journal papers above.